Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hello, Old Friend

It's been a long time since my last post.  But here we are, with renewed inspiration and focus.  And commitment.  I'm out of excuses now.  I completed an MA in Creative Writing (thank you, Southern New Hampshire University) and so I can no longer say, "Well, I'm not a real writer.  I didn't study writing."   That convenient justification for not following my lifelong dream has been eradicated.

The process of actually studying and practicing writing was alternately exhilarating and frustrating.  Learning to appreciate feedback from people whose writing I didn't find terribly inspiring was a great learning experience.  Over the more-than two years and twelve classes, I devised many ways of saying, "I really appreciate your feedback" when I often didn't appreciate it at all.

But some of my classmates and several of my instructors helped me learn to read more critically and to write more clearly.  I learned that "personal style" can't be used as a justification for lazy writing.  Shortcuts and lack of precision are not techniques.  

I read books that I would not have otherwise encountered.  I found authors I hadn’t previously known.  I found out that I rather enjoyed some others I had preconceptions about but hadn’t read.  My eyes were opened to old and new masters.

I discovered that I do have a story to tell, and that it’s worth telling.  My calling is to share experiences that might help other people find their way through some dark times.  Everything is survivable if you have the right mindset.  For me, that survival mentality came out of necessity rather than bravery.  For some of my hardest experiences, I was on my own.  I had to survive, as I didn’t have someone to hold me up, to pick up the slack. 

But that’s okay: I learned to dig deep, to take a deep breath, and to get on with it.  Responsibility is a powerful motivator for the failure-averse.  And of course, in the more recent years, the obligation to survive, to not give up, was driven by the responsibility to Bella Pie, the amazing little dog who owns my heart.  I had a purpose beyond myself.  She needs me.  I can’t fold up like a cheap lawn chair.  No matter what’s in my head and heart, no matter if my soul and bones are exhausted, she needs two meals, four walks, countless belly runs, and no small measure of treats each day. 

And of course, beyond survival, I am on a mission to find joy, humor, and peace.  Aren’t we all?  Finding those qualities is largely a matter of mindset.  Joy and humor are present in all situations if you can change the lens through which you experience a situation.  I’m working on that daily.  And peace?  A common quest, if my Facebook feed is to be believed.  It is out there, again by changing lenses.  By letting things go.  By understanding what is and what is not in your control.

Let’s take this journey together, shall we?