Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Tribute to My Biggest Fan

A sad post tonight, dear readers, as your numbers are one less.  Last Tuesday I lost my biggest fan: my father passed away, both suddenly and not.  He battled a terrible illness, but we thought he had a few months left.  And so I write this post in his honor, as I struggle to find a reason to keep writing.  At the same time, I know that writing is the thing that will get me through this difficult time. 

I had always hoped that my parents would share my success, and the idea of that joyful moment, of seeing my book on the NYT Best Seller List...will it still feel as sweet without my cheerleaders enjoying it with me?  What will keep me motivated?  How do I find satisfaction in doing it just for myself?

Somehow I'll find a way.  I owe it to myself, first and foremost, to pursue my dream, and I owe it to my parents, who aren't able to pursue their own dreams in this world anymore.

So thank you, Big Dawg, for having believed in me for 39 years, without fail.  I was so very lucky to have had you as my father.  I'll do my best to be the best 'me' that I can be, and I thank you for all that you did, all that you taught me, and all that you gave up so that I could have every opportunity. 

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