Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Paralyzed by Too Many Choices

I often find myself staring at my bookshelf, standing frozen, gazing at the collection of books.  Most of the books on the shelves are yet-unread.  I collect books, but don't carve out adequate time to read them.  I buy them as though I will never be able to get my hands on them in the future:  'If I don't buy this new Cheever biography RIGHT THIS MOMENT, it will disappear into the ether, and I will NEVER EVER be able to get it again!'  So I acquire it right away, shelve it, and then when I am ready to start a new book, I become overwhelmed by the possibilities.  Funny essays?  Chick lit?  Catching up on the classics?  There are simply too many options on the bookshelf.

And don't even get me started on the vast repository of guides/manuals/creative philosophy books that I have accrued, to help me with my writing.  'Someday', I think, 'maybe on my next vacation, I'll get through that gorgeous Iowa Writer's Workshop book.  I can't wait!' 

Anyone else drowning in good intentions?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

Hello Dear Readers,

I am back with a renewed commitment to my writing life. I have had the good fortune of discovering a few like-minded people in my circle, very inspiring. Also altering my own expectations for time and schedule. New approach, new goals, new attitude. Hoping it all leads to new productivity and a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment.

So hang in there, and expect to hear back from me more often.