Monday, January 4, 2010

How Do People Come Up With These Things?

One of the things that makes me terribly envious are writers who are able to come up with very unique means of telling their stories.  I am one of those first-person narrators, story told chronologically, sort of writers.  A bit vanilla.  But some people are so clever with the ways they tell their tales.  Right now I am reading 'The Book Thief', which uses death as the narrator, and has all kinds of funny breaks in the action to do asides to the reader.  When it's done badly, it's just annoying, but when it's done well, it makes the book unforgettable.

What about you, readers:  Any favorite alterntative tales out there? 


  1. Somewhere this is a book that has 2 endings. I wish I had the name of it! I never read it but read about it in a magazine just to never find it again. It told the story with one ending and then however also showed a second ending based on the main character making a different choice at somepoint in the book. I love this idea of "what would life had been like if....." I would have loved to read it just to see how the author constructed it.

  2. There is nothing better than a strong narrative told from point A to point B. One can get lost in that kind of story and, if done well, can feel disjointed and diconnected when the book is done. I have to say that is my favorite kind of book.

    While I must admit I loved The Book Thief, I had a hard time committing because I would get sucked into a story line then would have to re-adjust when the writer dropped me into another part of the plot.

    The moral of my story? Feel free to let your vanilla flag fly!!! I'm sure I'll feel a bit lost when I close your back cover...
