Monday, February 8, 2010

Legacy: Dead or Alive?

I've been consumed lately by worrying about my 'legacy'.  As a single with no designs on having children (why would I?  My dog is perfect!) I wonder what I'll leave 'behind' as a legacy.  Of course, a giant body of amazing literature would be great, but that's a stretch.  I need something more realistic to wrap my head around, to feel like my being alive served some sort of purpose.

But I've been thinking: perhaps my legacy isn't something I'll leave behind, but rather the difference that I can make in people's live NOW, today.  Small acts of courtesy, thoughtfulness, acknowledgement...maybe that's what I am here to do.  Maybe making small differences in people's everyday lives is enough of a legacy.  After all, what does it matter to me how I am remembered when I am gone...I'll be gone! 

I heard it put best like this:  try to be someone's miracle.  You never know what's going on in other people's lives, and someone can be having the worst, difficult, trying day of their lives.  That one small gesture, kindness, smile, whatever, might be the the best thing that happens in that person's day.  What a gift, to be responsible for making a difference to someone else.

Readers?  Do you worry about such things? 

1 comment:

  1. Why is a giant boy of amazing literature a stretch??? Get writing!!!

    Besides - you've always made a difference in my life and been there to say just the perfect thing right when I need to hear it. Your legacy is definitely the way you are impacting all the people you touch on a daily basis. You are the bright light in world that has become very negative.

    Love you!
