Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Friends are Real Characters

I can't count how many times I have listened to a friend's anecdotes, stories, adventures, or philosophy, and said 'I couldn't make that ind of stuff up!'  And then I grapple with the ethical question:  since I like my friends, and they are so interesting, is it OK to turn them into characters in something I write?  Do I have to tell them first?  And then, is it less 'creative writing' and more simply documenting their stories?  Is it flattering, embarrassing, or cheating?

What do you think, readers? 


  1. You are always welcome to use me as a character. Although I would like firm thighs, abs of steel and a hot man on my arm. Thanks!

  2. I think it would be nothing but flattering to have a writer think something I did was worth putting pen to paper about. (fingers to keys?) I say 'go for it!'
