Sunday, February 7, 2010

No Excuses!

I have been quiet for far too long (well, I suppose that depends on whether you think I have something worth saying) and with no good excuse.  I had a sick spell, sure, but who hasn't this season.  Work got really busy.  So what?  Personal issues...aren't those exactly the things that inform writing in the first place?

Thank you, followers, for being there for me and continuing to encourage me.  It's a good reminder that if I really have 'write that damn novel' as a goal, I have to commit to it each day, regardless of the life's obstacles, intrusions, interruptions, and demands.  Only my own lack of commitment can cause me to fail. 

Onward and upward, and back to regular notes to you all!

As for my reading life, nearly finished with 'The Book Thief'.  Next up, Mary Karr's latest installment in her memoir series, 'Lit'.  What are you reading?


  1. I loved loved loved The Liar's Club but Cherry? Not so much...

    Right now I put down "The Summer Visitor" to read "The Scarecrow". Cheap crime novels win every time!


  2. I had the same reaction: I thought 'Liar's Club' was more authentic, told more of a story. 'Cherry' seemed narcissistic. She was far too impressed with her own depravity. I have higher hopes for 'Lit'. I'll be sure to let you know!

  3. I would swear I commented on this, but maybe not. I'm in the midst of sickbed reading -- a book borrowed from Owen: "The Name Of This Book is Secret" by Pseudonymous Bosch. I love books for smart 11 year olds, what can I say? Also reading "The Wisdom Jesus" by Cynthia Bourgeault. It's very accessible as theology books go, and I think you'd like it, Steph.

  4. The only difference between you and the authors you love is that they finished their go finish yours!
